[NetEpic ML] Re: Titan revision: Eldar

From: quester <quester666_at_...>
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 18:20:17 -0800 (PST)

dont you still fight the hand to hand after the
defensive system fires if you don't you should
we do

--- Weasel Fierce <septimus__at_...> wrote:
> >Hmm.. there seems to be some confusion on titan
> defensive systems. Note
> >while they keep them away you may use it
> aggressively. that is you CAN
> >engage infantry in close combat and then apply the
> rules for the defense
> >system opening fire, on average it kills every
> thing, especially if there
> >are a few infantry you want to stomp. Is there
> risk? Of course if one
> >survives you;ll get hit, perhpas badly so, but
> thats what the games about.
> Well, it is pretty lame as the titan must
> charge....this means no guns and
> you can move into contat to waste ONE measly stand.
> I would much prefer to open up with turbo lasers,
> gatlings etc.
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Received on Tue Mar 14 2000 - 02:20:17 UTC

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