[NetEpic ML] Re: R: Decision, decisions,what to do with the revision?

From: Hellreich <hellreich_at_...>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 20:28:31 -0500

OOOps I named it wrong sorry it is the Quack LOL cannon but this weapon as a
barrage will be very leathal against a Eldar Titan and in respect for the
game will unbalance it when playing against Eldar unless we let the sheilds
defend against it.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelvin" <kx.henderson_at_...>
To: <netepic_at_egroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2000 5:14 PM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Re: R: Decision, decisions,what to do with the

> At 09:38 AM 3/15/00 +0100, stefano wrote:
> >Give it a 1+ frontal reactor, otherwise if you will decide to move it on
> >back, you must do the same thing for eldar titans.
> Not necessarily, but I can live with a 1+ frontal save.
> >> > Option 2:
> >> > I always saw the Holofields as making the Eldar hard to hit. So
> >> > than giving them a special save, why not give them a to-hit modifier.
> >> > Against 'standard' weapons, the Titan uses the following progression:
> >> First
> >> > Fire/Fallback: -2 to hit, Advance: -3 to hit, Charge: -4 to hit. For
> >any
> >> > weapons that use a template, use the following progression: First
> >> > Fire/Fallback: no modifier, Advance: -1 to hit, Charge -2 to hit.
> >
> >I, also, would like option two, a random location should not preserves it
> >from an easy destruction.
> Well, in my sleep-deprived state, I just came up with option 3:
> Let the Holofields give their save against barrages, but unlike
> weapons, this save is subject to the barrage's save modifier. This way,
> the Titan gets SOME protection from barrages, but doesn't become too
> to them. Simple, uses the mechanic that is already in use and should be
> fairly effective. How's that sound?
> Oh, and onto the comments that Hellreich has made, I didn't think we had
> given the Volcano Cannon a template, just the Quake Cannon. But in any
> event, there are definately some weapons that have templates but should
> still suffer the full effects of the holofields (such as the Quake
> We should list them.
> -Kelvin....
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