----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Ramos <pramos2_at_...>
To: <netepic_at_egroups.com>
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 5:18 PM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Re: Unit Coherency company cards comp
This should be a rule for all armies when taking a Company card only, all
support cards should need to say coherent
> Hi!
> Crap! Sorry about that, I meant to response but I lost track of the
> In case of marines since trasnports are an integral part all units (troops
> and APC) need to be in coherency where possible. Troops may enter terrain
> where transports can not move into, so in this case keep them as close as
> possible.
> Now the warhost and Exodus slann are somewhat different. they do form one
> company, but each from their own detachment, meaning that the infantry and
> transport MAY move indepenedently of each other.
> I would for the sake of completeness rule that the rhinos of marine
> detachments also form their own detachment and thus too move
> As the net epic rules stand yuo may give separate orders to both troops
> APC anyway, why not treat them as independent detachments to begin with.
> Peter
> Greetings,
> I had asked this question a few days agao but got no response. Do the APCs
> contained in a company card have to remain in coherency with their troops?
> know the answer is yes but when other players and I looked at the Eldar
> Warhost card and the Slann exodus war band the APCs were not listed as
> of the infantry detachment but as seperate detachments. This means that
> those transports can carry support units too without worrying about the
> coherency rule with their original company infantry units.
> Should the cards be interpeted as above or as below?
> 2x (6 stands exodus warriors + 3 APC)
> 3x (6 eldar guard stands + 3 Falcons)
> Thanks,
> Darius
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Received on Mon Mar 27 2000 - 02:45:08 UTC