[NetEpic ML] Re: R: R: More stuff to argue..er.. I mean discuss about

From: Lorenzo Canapicchi <canapi_at_...>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 17:32:37 +0200

stefano andreoni wrote:
> Concerning to hit modifiers, please, remove the -1 to hit that these titans
> and warhounds have on charge, I can't immagine why if I shoot my las gun
> toward them I must be penalized, while shooting at a charging jet bike
> not!!!

If I'm not wrong it's due to the "dodge" ability of ,so called, "scout"
class titans, a JB it's supposed to have a linear (not necessary
straigth line) predictable trajectory

Lorenzo Canapicchi
Personal Page:
Received on Mon Mar 27 2000 - 15:32:37 UTC

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