Poll results for netepic

From: <netepic_at_egroups.com>
Date: 3 Apr 2000 13:20:37 -0000

The following netepic poll is now closed. Here are the
final results:

POLL QUESTION: In Order to change Eldar Titan's Holofields behaviour against barrages, choose one of the following point:

- No change (A barrage ignore holofields), 2 votes, 13.33%
- Holofields works depending on the "To Hit Modifier" of the barrages, 0 votes, 0.00%
- A Direct barrages always scatters like it was fired indirectly, 13 votes, 86.67%

- No change (A barrage ignore holofields)
     - weasel_fierce_at_...
     - nils.saugen_at_...
- Holofields works depending on the "To Hit Modifier" of the barrages
- A Direct barrages always scatters like it was fired indirectly
     - pramos2_at_...
     - snew1_at_...
     - darius.spano_at_...
     - hellreich_at_...
     - canapi_at_...
     - wilsont_at_...
     - warprat_at_...
     - rune.karlsen_at_...
     - bernasconi_at_...
     - kx.henderson_at_...
     - ltremari_at_...
     - magnus_at_...
     - deaconblue3_at_...

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Received on Mon Apr 03 2000 - 13:20:37 UTC

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