----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Ramos <pramos2_at_...>
To: <netepic_at_egroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2000 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Re: Polls and Imperial Guard
> Hi!
> hehe, but most armies do have at least one weapon that doesn't require
> of sight (ork krooz misul for example). The thing is why do you NEED the
> vehicle to see the target? If it has a camera in the nose then it doesn't
> actually have to see it, it does so through the camera.
> This weapon has NEVER needed line of sight from the transport, not in net
> epic not in the original rules. Its a fire and forget weapon since the
> indicates its guided to the target by the transports computers. Besides
> modern system deploys a missle where the transport of the missile has
> linoe of sight, none!
HHHMMM HUDS need it!!
> Everything is by recon info from local radar or air recon, I view the
> deathstrike much the same.
> The deathstrike is a useful unit, but I have rarely if ever seen it win a
> game, there are a lot of other weapons in epic that do that (and have been
> or will be addressed in time).
> Of course I suspect that much of the resistance is due to the warp
> This is for another topic, but I would really like to see the warp missile
> eliminated from its ordinance. I have always seen this as a titan weapon.
> have never seen any of the old fluff stating that they could. I'd just
> them with barrages, since that what most guided missiles from ground
> do. The harpoon I'd just ditch because who really uses it anyway?
I've won games this way using his Titan against his death strike HEHEHE!
> Food for thought.
> Peter
> > I would agree if they needed line of sight for this is crazy even the
> > missiles we use now need line of sight, some kind of camera put on nose
> > missile. For now you are letting IG take out a Titan and never be shot
> > the whole game, hiding behined hills, and such. PURE CRAP. AT HALF THE
> > PRICE!!
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Received on Tue Apr 04 2000 - 20:19:45 UTC