How did you get into epic?

From: Peter Ramos <pramos2_at_...>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 11:00:55 -0500


Those who have been around for a while know I am a old sap when it comes to
the "good ol' days".

I was remembering on how I got into epic, which it was in quite a round
about way. Believe it or not I once DID play warhammer 40K <shudder>. In the
glory days of the rogue trader and such illustrious tomes. My wife actually
bought me for my birthday the rogue trader and the old realm of chaos book.
I was hooked over the background and I bought a crapload of 40k models. As I
learned more about the hobby I saw a game named "Adeptus Titanicus". I liked
the concept and bought it. It was almost an afterthought. As I read the
rules and played it I got sucked in more and more. After a quite awful
tourney for 40k (the power mongering and poor rules were everywhere) I
ditched 40k for good, sold off all the models and bought more epic. The rest
was history.

How did you guys "find" epic, or did "epic" find you?

Received on Thu May 18 2000 - 16:00:55 UTC

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