ok ok it was just a tought I threw out there, to try to cut back on number
of rolls. Being a Slann player myself I just don't see the reason for 2
rolls for troop types. Do they have 2 rolls in 40k or just repair.
----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Ramos <pramos2_at_...>
To: <netepic_at_egroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 4:19 PM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] RE: [Net Epic ML] RE: [Net Epic ML] RE: [Net Epic ML]
RE: [Net Epic ML] SoB more than n meets the eye?
> Hi!
> Terminators and some other units have fixed save of 5+ or in case of
> inquisitors 4+ fixed. Its all a question of how do you compare these units
> with Necrons, better or worse?
> As for the scarabs, I can go either way, if you don't like them dump them.
> APC's like the rhino or protector for that matter don't have great armor
> dreadnoughts and terminators have better saves. Again its all a question
> how powerful we view them.
> If we are to follow the fluff of our own creation the Necrons have saved
> slann from annihilation at hands of the tyranids. The question remains
> however, was this done through superior troops ability or waves of cannon
> fodder?
> I understand the annoyance of troops and vehicles having similar saves,
> its not a first to do this other armies have the same. The slann just have
> more of them, then again they cost a lot.
> The other thing is those who have tested them it seems they are alright as
> is, why change what works?
> Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: hellreich [mailto:hellreich_at_...]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 2:11 PM
> To: netepic_at_egroups.com
> Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] RE: [Net Epic ML] RE: [Net Epic ML] RE: [Net
> Epic ML] SoB more than n meets the eye?
> LOl I just wanted to show that a 4 ton tank would have a better save then
> 400lb robot. IT"S all MY fault LOL hhhaaaa evil grin :-}, I was also
> to make a reason for the Scarab Protector to be used, other wise dump it!
> It's just away to make a cheese army. Yes I remember chaging it it just
> Necrons back when Rune and Niles tested. As for Blood Letters seem fair no
> weapon to shoot with. As for the Stats don't see it Tanks mod to a 5+
> or 6+ fixed, troops at 5+ fixed. This dose not show that the tanks have
> armor. This is my point.
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