Hi Warprat!
Well, I didn't know the terrain deployment at all so perhaps I was talking
too much without knowing everything, but I have to make a little comment:
I've never played on any tournament or anything similar because I play for
fun. That doesn't mean I won't use my best tactics when I play. The fun of
playing (for me)is finding new ways to maximize the power of your army and
weak spots that allow you to win other armies. And yes, sometimes there's
only a thin red line beetwen a really good tactic and a cheesy tactic, but I
blame most of it on the nature of the rules. If someone asks for perfect
rules I could only show him that old ASL...and call inmediately the nearest
sanitarium. ;)
Sorry for the delay answering, I had to go to Barcelona for some days.
>Hi Albert!
>Yes, my Battle Plan was a bit of a gamble.
>I always pick my forces out, before rolling randomly for terrain. But
>this time was a little different. After rolling an excessive amount of
>Buildings, hills, and forests, I designed an interesting senario to fit.
>1/3 of the table was the outskirts of a massive city, divided in half by
>a river. The other 2/3 of the table was the Emperor's Park, located on
>a wide two level hill. The park had about 7 or 8 forests that contained
>sacred temples, and one larger forest, near the city, where the river
>emerged out of the ground, to divide the city in half. There was an
>intact bridge to cross the river.
>Because the forests were Holy, only mundane troops could enter them.
>Greater Deamons, being powerfull, could force thier way in by force of
>will, in all the forest shrines, except one. That was the River Shrine,
>and was so Holy that NO Daemon, Greater or not, was allowed in.
>To ballance this, all 8 objectives were used, and the River Shrine was
>on the Chaos side, and worth 10vp.
>To win the battle, one side would have to score 30pts. Chaos had 25pts.
>in objectives by the end of turn two. 5pts. in objectives or broken
>units would have meant victory for unspeakable evil. But, like I said
>before, the Imperial Guard hammered away, turn after turn. Although it
>will take untold years, to once again re-sanctify the forests, Chaos was
>Because of the table layout, the forces picked, and the relative
>experience of the players, the battle was nip and tuck the whole game.
>And a heck of a lot of fun, for everyone.
>I agree with you, that changing tactics, is the key to victory. And
>really, against an experienced Chaos General, I would have lost. But
>playing with friends is more than just winning the game. When you play
>with friends, you take more care to ballance things out, to not always
>maximize your advantage. You try to be very fair. You play more to
>have fun, and companionship, than to simply win. Although, winning is
>always better than losing.
>My pal has a very agressive playing style. Static defenses work pretty
>well against him. Eventually, he will develope other tactical styles
>to use, and make things more unpredictable for me.
>One army he is experienced with, and uses quite well, is his Space Wolf
>army. Drop Pods and Screaming Blood Claws exiting Thunderhawks,
>supported by Wolf Priests, are an interesting challenge. Not to mention
>the Command Terminators and Land Raiders.
>Of course, static defence has no hope against the likes of the highly
>mobile Space Wolves. Against them, a more agressive, mobile force is
>And so on....
>Your idea about the Deathstrikes, has merit. My personal feeling,
>however, is that the points should be awarded, one point at a time, as
>they are launched. I think the same rule should be applied to Ork Pulsa
>Rockets, as well.
>Warprat ;)
It will work fine for me
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