This is quite a good idea, you needn't use the Diplomacy map either. You
could device your own maps. Actually, this is the best idea on how to run an
epic campaing I've encountered thus far!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kelvin [SMTP:kx.henderson_at_...]
> Sent: 25. juli 2000 06:34
> To: netepic_at_egroups.com
> Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] More On Topic Now
> At 07:19 PM 7/24/00 -0600, Daryl wrote:
> >To bring this topic back on topic (at least by a bit).
> >There is a fellow called Dave Lewis who uses Diplomacy rules for
> >a FR! campaign.
> >
> >I always thought it'd make a great basis for an epic campaign.
> I did this about 1 or two years ago with 40K. Each player controlled one
> of the nations. For each supply centre (city) they controlled they could
> field one 500 pt army. Put 2 500 pointers together and you could form a
> 1000pt army. 3 together and form a 1500 pt army, etc.
> Every third turn was a supply turn. For every supply centre controlled,
> you could have 500 pts worth of troops. In between supply rounds, any
> armies that lost forces had to record the amount of points lost. That
> army
> then fought at a reduced strength. In the supply turn, armies that were
> at
> reduced strength were resupplied up to full strength as long as they could
> trace a supply line back to a supply centre. Supply Centres (cities) held
> a 500 pt garrison that could add to the strength of an army DEFENDING it,
> they couldn't be used for extra troops when attacking. Movement was
> dictated by the Diplomacy rules, battles were actually fought using 40K
> forces.
> It was a really good way of running a campaign and made for some
> interesting alliances (Eldar and Chaos? Who knew!).
> It could easily be translated into NetEpic. Every supply centre can
> sustain 1000pts (or any number you feel comfortable with) of troops.
> Easy.
> -Kelvin....
> =======================================
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> Just like everyone else.
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