Re: [NetEpic ML] Imperator troops, save vs Squat rad bomb

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 19:11:19 -0400


  i just read through the TL and netepic Imp. titan rules and the troops can be attacked in close combat with a -2 to the attacker but you can t shot at them except as part of the titan and net epic has not changed this as its written

  Correct. But as usual they left out how weapons that ignore cover affect these troops. They can't be shot at of course, but flames or radiation seeping through the firing ports is anothe deal.
    Question? the big ork gargant is alot more open then the Imp. and you can assault through the whole its one big can you shoot at all its crew????

    This one is easier, as you mention the mega-gargant is prettu open, you can assault it and shoot at the crew with the -2 to hit versus targets in hard cover. The gargant is in essence a building on tracks with its pros and cons.

    I would think the troops are well enough protected that they can t be shot at without punching through the titans armor ........

    They are well protected, thats reflected in the -2 modifier to hit, but the protection is nowhere near the Imperator's protection.

    Question: by the way it looks like the troops can fire the build in bolters ,or secondary weapons, or their own guns in some implacements. but they cant shot both the bolter, or secondary weapons and their own guns at the same time look at the troop placement template
    theres some kind of build-in gun in each place that needs to be maned to fire...

    Thats a good point, allegedly the counters in those spots man the cannons, but it is more in a supervisory role since the actual physical work is done by gretchen and snotling, but if they are eliminated then there is no one to obligate them to work and the cannons go unfired. So in essence they CAN fire the big gun and their own smaller weapons too.

    personally i thank you need to leave them as troops in transport and as non-targets just to keep it simple.......yes they can shoot out their gun ports , but the ports only have to be big enought for the barrel of their gun to go through like a brinks armor car...and there are better gun ports like in the bradley IFV which is air tight for example......

    In a human example I agree, but orks dont make things in quite the same way and a fireport in their case is probably a section of missing wall.......

    PS: by the way, i ve not said a single personal thing back to anyone

    I know, don't worry all is calm.

Received on Fri Sep 15 2000 - 23:11:19 UTC

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