Re: [NetEpic ML] [Question of an NetEpic Newbie] Snap Fire and Command Range of HQ's

From: hellreich <hellreich_at_...>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 14:22:32 -0400

----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel Wolf <MasterDanielWolf_at_...>
To: NETEPIC____ <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 11:50 AM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] [Question of an NetEpic Newbie] Snap Fire and Command
Range of HQ's

> Hi Guys,
> here are my first questions for NetEpic:
> When can i do snapfire and wich units can do it?
> - must my detachments on first fire orders to fire a snapshot at enemy
> models in the movement phase (can they also fire later in the first fire
> phase, or can they just fire once??):

> $$ you must be on first fire orders, you may shoot at any unit that moves
at a -1, you can only fire once but remember just cause you have them on
first fire dose not mean they have to fire in that part of the turn, you may
save them for advance fire.

> - what is the range of snapfire? can my artillery pieces snapfire
> 100cm??????

> $$ what ever the range is for that weapon

> After reading the rule booklet this questions was not quite clear to me
> (mybe it's just my bad english ;-).
> The next one is:
> What is the command range for company HQ's?
> - are these 25cm, within all detachments (or just one model of a
> must be?
> - for what are HQ's units also good for (beside just being good fighting
> models)?
> $$ 25cm of one model of the company but the company must be within 6cm of
each other. The HQ can always move at charge rate (e.g. always can move up
to double their move rate so if 10cm move they can move up to 20cm) and can
always first fire (can fire in any fire phase they want be it Snap, first,
or advanced), they do not need orders given to them. Also if you have no HQ
for Imp Guards they may not be given orders. For each detachment of infantry
in the company there should be a section HQ (witch I just noticed is not in
the rules under army cards Composition, and should be) he also has a 25cm
range, so really a detachment of infantry could be 50cm away from the
Company HQ as long as the chain of comand is not broke. Now for Marines
they gain a +1 to their Morale rolls if within 25cm of HQ.
> Thats it until now...
> See you
> Dan
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