Cool, looks like a lot of fun. One word of advice NEVER drop your pods in
any turn but the first unless you have preplanned to occupy any first fire
units. It worked out for you in the end, but it could have ending the other
way too.
I am not clear on exactly how the slann need fixing, it seems what
transpired was tactics related not unit related. The testing on the end of
Ed and others has been okay, I'd try another couple of things with varied
troops to see how it goes.
By the way I don't know why you say your marine force is cheesy, I have seen
far worse. Actually I'd say your force is pretty standard for what you
planned to do.
Thanks for the feedback on the termies and teleportation I suspected it
would be no big deal since unless orchestrated properly they could easily be
cut off isolated and cut to pieces (as it happened it seemed).
Please report more of your battles its always fun to here about them!
It is now 21 30 local time in Norway, and we have just finished off
our first game where Slann was defeated. I have also uploaded a map
made in powerpoint to the vault. To get it, use this link.
Here are the main events:
FORCES: (3000 points)
Space Marines:(Yours truly...)
1 assault company in 3 T-hawks
1 veteran company in drop pods
1 teleported CA terminatordetachment
1 detachment of marauder FB
2 detachments of bikes
1 Gravguard company
1 Necron raider cube
1 Frog medium mech pod
1 nemesis mbt detachment
THE BATTLEBOARD:(Described left to right)
Setupside 1: A city, a forrest, a city, then another forrest
Middle area: A forrest with a river running out of it into a pond
surrounded some ruins. A is bridge is crossing the river. Some more
ruins, then a hilltop.
Setupside 2: A hilltop, a forrest, then another hilltop.
Rune got to choose side, and not suprisingly, he chose setupside 1.
Space marines:
I put all my flyers in the middle of my setupzone, as close to the
setupline as possible. One bike det. behind the forrest in the middle
joined by the assault-companys captain, and one bikedet behind the
hilltop on the right side.
Slann:(left to right)
Nemesis MBT in the left city joined by a gravguard det. 3 frogs and
a necron detachment between the city and the forrest, a necrondet. in
the forrest, 3 frogs and a necrondet. between the forrest and the
other city, a vanguardfrog and a gravguarddet in this city, then
finally a gravguard in the forrest to the extreeme right.
I decided not to bring in my droppods this turn.
Slann moved his leftmost necrons to the outskirt of the forrest to
claim the objective in the ruin ahead. He also moved his
gravguarddet. on his extreeme right up to an objective point in the
ruin below the hilltop. The vanguard moved up to the forrest on the
left. All other units remainded still on FF, and gunned down all of
my flyers during the turn! (NOTE: We dont use snapfire but have our
own rules regarding flyers. Nils posted them a while ago.)
I moved my T-hawks over the forrest and unleashed my assault troopers
on the necrons there, outnumbered them, and broke the unit. (We have
as a houserule that troopers with jumppacks can paradrop out of the
transporting flyer) The terminators also teleported into the forrest
and engaged the necrons. Unfortunately theese where all on FF so two
termies never saw CC. The other two did their job quite well though.
I moved one bikedet behind the forrest in the middlearea, claiming
the objective point there. The other bikedet moved ahead to a
reserveposition behind a ruin on the right side. The assault
commander claimed an objectivepoint in one of the ruins by the pond.
This turn I brought in my droppods, trying to land on the frogs and
necrons between the forrest and the right city. Slann had most of his
units on FF so only FOUR of the SIXTEEN pods made it to the ground!
This however, where Slanns biggest mistake as it left his frogs open
for my few, but still remaining assaultmarines, witch now could go
into CC without having to worry about being gunned down. Needless to
say they broke the frogcompany.
My two still-alive-and-kicking termies where chopped to pieces by the
remaining necrons, not having the brains to flee once broken.
The vanguard on the left moved into the forrest and captured the
objectivepoint from me.
Now when all of slanns units had used their firepower in the
beginning of the movementphase, my bikes and commander could mop up
another five objectivepoints without having to worry about being shot
to pieces.
This gave me a total of 6 objectivepoints, and Slann 2, securing my
victory 47 to 31.
Teleporting terminators:
As I expected, theese where VP-giveaways. At least they are not as
cheesy as some people feared. I think they add some flavor to the
game though, and I will definetly use them again to see how they fare.
Slann forces:
Now this is a predicament, they lost bigtime but I still think they
need some finetuning to be properly balanced. After all, this was the
most "cheesy" SM force I have ever fielded.
I put together only the best of the best and used the rules,
houserules and units to the very best of its abilities and my
advantage. I did no tactical mistakes (Quite unusual!)It all went
according to my plan, making Slann sit tight and shoot so I could mop
up the objective points.
With all this in place, only one thing made Slann loose the battle,
he wasted all to much firepower on the incomming pods. When the
movementphase was over he had no units at all to fire. This is a
mistake I know Rune wont do again! He should not had used his frogs
at the pods, but waited until FF Phase to take down the marines
disembarking on advanceorders. Then they would have been much easier
If he also had holded the nemesis MBTs and/or the frogs on his left
flank my bikes could not take two objective points without being
shot to pieces on the open ground. With the frogs still able to
shoot, I would definately thougt twice about charging them!
So in conclusion, I would say that in order to be properly ballanced,
all the Slann units used in this battle needs to be reduced in ways
of number of attacks, and/or roll to hit. It was a one-time-mistake
that made Slann loose today, and quite frankly, I cant play any
better than I played today, and SM cant field any better units than
those used today.
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