I'we taken up the challenge, I'll field an IG Army against Slann this
saturday. We'll let you know how it works out.......
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karlsen Rune [SMTP:rune.karlsen_at_...]
> Sent: 5. oktober 2000 14:51
> To: 'netepic_at_egroups.com'
> Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Slann defeated! (By a one time only
> mistake...)
> I agree. We have to focus on playtesting with the new rules,
> and forget the track record. As it stands now, we've only
> played one game, and Slann lost that. I'd like to play against
> at least IG and Eldar to see exactly how the new Slann rules fare.
> In earlier battles ive played, the Slann really crushed the
> opponents, but now the point spread should be more equalized.
> If it's not, and my opponents still played well and i played
> lousy, then we'll talk. One of the major faults ive seen with
> at least one of our players, is the lack of focus. You have
> to focus on one company/Support/Special card to break that.
> Once you break one or two Slann cards, the points roll in
> really fast. Kill 4 medium mechs, get 9VP's. Kill 8 necrons,
> get 6 (or 8) VP's...
> In my next battle, id like to test the new titan, and leave
> the mechs at home. Nils? Eivind? Anyone up for a 4K game
> this Saturday?
> Rune
> -----Original Message-----
> From: peter ramos [mailto:ramospeter_at_...]
> Sent: 5. oktober 2000 14:36
> To: netepic_at_egroups.com
> Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Slann defeated! (By a one time only
> mistake...)
> Hi!
> I am glad that we are having a lot of good feedback about the slann, its
> the
> only way to fine tune things.
> Several points to be taken into account:
> 1. At this point, the slann may need at most single unit stat
> modifications,
> the general rules and abiities seem fine and no one has complained about
> those. Keep in mind that the standard armies also have thier flukes and it
> is inherently harder to beat some armies with others. For example its far
> easier to beat Eldar with say marines and chaos than it is with orks due
> to
> mobility (although force selection can counter this). The bottom line is
> the
> slann will "work" better against "shooty" armies than against close combat
> armies, thats their inherent nature.
> 2. Keep in mind that whatever the track record of the Slann only those
> games
> with the most recent modifications should be considered, we all agree that
> the original draft were very unbalanced. Also (as has been done), play
> different armies different compositions, this gives a better assessment of
> their stregnth and weaknessess. Up to what has been said the opponent
> fairs
> better if he adopts a "up and close" strategy rather than a "stand back
> and
> shoot" strategy since the slann are pretty good at shooting
> 3. Its a good thing that at this point most clamour for change falls into
> the "it may need change but I dont know exactly what to change" category,
> this means we are pretty close to having the list just the way we like
> them.
> I would suggest that the testers look into specific units snd single out
> those that perform to good.
> 4. Its very difficult sometimes to differentiate between the effects of
> tactics and the effects of an unbalanced unit, the present posts and
> commentary have me thinking it is at this point more tactic related than
> unit related since the wording of reports has not really emphasized that
> "X"
> unit won the game for me. Note a unit can win a single game for you, but
> it
> should not win every single game for you.
> 5. This one is very important, especially for those just starting out to
> use
> the slann army lisr. There is a learning curve involved. Any army that is
> new will "seem" to look somewhat too good. This is more of a reflection of
> the experience one has playing against them. For those who have played
> epic
> for a while just remember how it was when the new army box sets came out
> for
> each of the armies. For a while the newer armies with newer rules seemed a
> little overpowered until people got used to them, once that level was
> reached then it was business as usual.
> The slight difference in opinion between Ed's and Darius's group and
> Evinds,
> Rune, Nils groups is now getting very small as the experience with them
> grows. Its logical that a group that has used them more will see less
> problems than a newer one, once the group hits and passes a specific point
> in the learning curve them differences are much reduced (as they seem to
> be
> now).
> Thanks for the input.
> peter
> >From: "dardman" <dardman_at_...>
> >Reply-To: netepic_at_egroups.com
> >To: <netepic_at_egroups.com>
> >Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Slann defeated! (By a one time only mistake...)
> >Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 07:59:14 -0400
> >
> >Warprat,
> >We have play tested the Slann for close to a year now. When we first
> >started
> >they were total cheese and the other player thought they were great. But
> >everyone pointed out the cheesey parts of the army and we set to fix
> them.
> >The Slann shields were the first things to go and then the mantis missile
> >barrages that could only be fired every other turn and then the raising
> of
> >points of units.
> >If you look at the Slann, they have a wide field of units ranging from
> >infantry to flyers. It depends how you set up your army. The key is not
> to
> >over do it with the firepower because the Slann need fodder to help take
> >objectives. The mech are great for firepower and if you take a magus they
> >can be even more deadly and be in the enemy's face quickly, especially if
> >you decided to take those long warp jumps (that is what the tadpole mechs
> >are for).
> >Playing against them means being able to take a decently balanced army of
> >firepower and fodder.
> >Orcs--load up on nobz, nobz bikes and battlewagons to get your boyz in
> >quick.
> >Space Marine--make sure you have firepower (land raider company or
> >devastator company) with some speed and a titan if possible (he draws a
> lot
> >of fire).
> >Squats-Praetorians, Guild bike brotherhoods and thunderers.
> >IG--super heavives, levaithan, titan and a lot of fodder (rough riders,
> >beastmen and bikes).
> >Now when we play we don't use flyers because the rules are still a little
> >shakey and we don't have any flyers. So our games are land based tactics.
> I
> >think the flyers would add a different dimension.
> >Hope that helps.
> >Darius
> >
> >
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