----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
To: <netepic_at_egroups.com>
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 12:42 PM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Core rule interpretations
> Hi!
> Different groups have different styles of play and they also have
> was of interpretation and resolving rule mechanics. In our last games some
> questions regarding close combat interpretation and resolution came up. I
> gave the answers that GW had given long ago, but I wonder, here's some and
> lets see what you all think
> 1. Can the attacker select which models he will charge ganging up on a few
> models while ignoring others? Or do you need to engage all the enemy first
> before doubling up?
> The official answer is that you can charge and select however you want
> concentrating on a few models rather than diluting them over too many.
> methods have pros and cons, what do all you do?
EERRRR!!! you know my take on this one LOL :-) poor Kroxigors, I say one on
each frist then you may doubble after that. sniff sniff :-( poor kroxigors.
> 2. Multiple combats, I have never been happy with this. It is clear that
> player with the most models dictates how the combat is resolved, but it is
> common in large combats where many are engaging the same unit how and when
> to apply extra dice or even resolve them accordingly.
> How do most of you handle this? I have seen many ways of doing it, but
> quite cut it.
> Opinions?
> Peter
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