Re: [NetEpic ML] Another question

From: Eivind Borgeteien <eivind.borgeteien_at_...>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 14:13:54 +0100

I strongly resent this change! It will have great impact on the game, especially on the armies with low moral score.

I think this is a change that requires a poll and a 2/3 majority to be included in the core-rules. If it doesnt make it, let it be an optional rule.

What does the rest of you think?

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Peter Ramos
  Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 1:54 AM
  Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Another question


  This seems to be the prefered way of doing it. If there are no dissenters this is the one to apply: "broken units will check for morale in the end phase of every turn until the game ends. These units may be rallied normally. This check is in addition to any others they may suffer due to game effects in the turn".


  sarah-warren wrote:

Myself and the guys use option 1 and it works quite well, more chances offailingWarren-----Original Message-----From: maxerdog_at_...m <maxerdog_at_...>To: <>Date: 05 January 2001 11:57Subject: [NetEpic ML] Another question
Thanks for the reply to my previous question. My gaming partner andI are looking for a way to penalize units that have been broken buthave passed their morale check. We do not like the way these unitspass one morale check and then are immune to causalties for the restof the game. Our two ideas.1. A morale check every turn a broken unit suffers causities.or2. A morale check to give broken units orders.Is one of these viable options? Will it unbalance things to much forarmies with poor morale?Thanks,JohnTo unsubscribe send e-mail to:
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Received on Wed Jan 10 2001 - 13:13:54 UTC

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