The standard chaos cards yes, but whats truely lethal is their chapter
power, those specify when they can be cast. So first fire can wipe them
out before this power comes into play. Also snap fire can pre-empt ANY
playing of a card, use robot units like tarantulas who suffer no snap
fire penalties and you have a powerful defense from this sort of attack.
Eivind Borgeteien wrote:
> Hi
> Just one question regarding your point 3
> 3. they are easy to defend against with some foresight. They disembark
> on charge or advance orders, therefore some units on first fire can
> wipe them out before their powers can manifest.
> I thought that the Chaos player could play the cards any time, meaning
> land the marines nad play the card before you could do anything to
> counter it?
> Eivind
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