Re: [NetEpic ML] Re: New file uploaded to netepic

From: Eivind Borgeteien <eivind.borgeteien_at_...>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 14:55:29 +0100

Hi !

My thoughts below...

----- Original Message -----
From: "dardman" <dardman_at_...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Re: New file uploaded to netepic

> I do agree that the Chaos player must be forced to play their cards.

---> I dont play chaos, just fought them twice and lost both times. From
this little experience I would say that to sit on the cards and use them
only to save the deamons is unwise. If my oponent had not used his cards, I
would probably have won both times.

>I think
>these rules ammendments should be looked at for the Chaos cards issue.
> 1. The Chaos player must state that they are using the card instead of
> taking a hit, not after the Daemon has failed its saving throw. This
> prevents the cheese I have seen in the past, let's roll and if I fail just
> throw down a card.

---> Hmm..... This is a major change, it would certainly weaken the deamon a
great deal. Im not sure this is the way to go, what does the rest of you

> 2. Every turn the Chaos player doesn't use a Chaos card they will
> automatically lose 1 card. This will insure that the cards are played not
> used to suck up wounds.

--->This sound good. I dont think it will have much impact on the game
though, at least not in our grop as the chaosplayer is qiute generous with
his cards :-)

> 3. Chaos Marine chapter cards cannot be used for saving daemons. Shows
> they are special gifts and not to be given to others.

---> I thought this rule already existed. If not, then YEAS, YEAS, by all

> 4. If a Chaos dameon/primarch is killed the Chaos player should lose a
> Shows the Chaos Lords disfavor.

---> I dont quite understand how you are going to practise this rule. As
long as the chaosplayer has one card left, he can and will use it to save
his deamon. You are now offering him the choice of loosing the deamon and a
card or loosing a card and keep the deamon?

> If you can think of anymore let me know but I think this will equalize the
> Chaos cards but not take away their power.
> Darius

---> Now just one last question: Is the chaosplayer allowed to play cards on
his deamon to boost its strength like increasing the CAF and so on? If he
is, then we could deny him this opportunity. This wil not have a great
impact on the game but limit the strength of the cards to some degree.

On the whole, Im a little reluctant to alter thing to much on the chaos
list. This is one of the original armylists and belive it or not, I have
some kind of faith in the gamedesigners at GW.

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Received on Wed Jan 31 2001 - 13:55:29 UTC

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