RE: [NetEpic ML] Return of the Slann first test: (long)

From: peter ramos <ramospeter_at_...>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 10:05:56 -0500


>I agree with Nils. In addition i'd like to see
>the Vanguards at 400 points (this is actually
>what they cost according to the cost formula).


>After the weapon adjustments, several HW units
>are now left with 50cm range. This is not as it
>should be IMHO. The Gravguards and Spawnguards
>are now almost identical, with the Gravguards having
>one more attack at 50cms and 2 less CAF.

I think we can probably do my earlier suggestion of changing the stats on
the gravguard to what you have suggested and giving the spawnguard the
gravguards onld stats. This way we cover both the tank busting and
anti-infnatry realms.

>Gravguards are intended as HW, and should have
>75cm range. Nils and I thought about letting
>them have a lighter version of the Necron
>Heavy Laser, giving them 2 attacks at 75cms,
>4+, -2 save.

This is acceptable. Agreed.

With this adjustment, they came
>out at 900 for a company card with the cost formula.
>The Gravguards and Spawnguards would then be
>different again :)

What would the spawnguard with the suggested change be worth?

>Even though i havnt tested them, the Exodus Ghost
>warriors also now have a range of 50cms. They
>are also supposed to be HW support, and need 75cms

They can get the same gravguard weapon.

There are probably also some other units
>which need 75 cms range (HW units which previously
>had 75cms), like the Dracon Raiders. This would have
>to be checked also.

The dracons would need it too, this way only ONE unit in each branch has
such weapons. Sounds good.
>The new warp jump rules also need a tiny modification,
>which i know Nils agrees with. There should be no
>deviation on a roll of 3-4, but rather a "neutral zone". :)
>Losing the special warp jump bonuses AND displacing
>is just too harsh for this we think.

Okay, only loses bonuses, no deviation.

>The old prices on the rest of the units tested, besides
>those mentioned here, seems OK so far. We calculated
>the Necron Stalkers with the cost formula, and came
>to 550. This is also too high, and Nils and I thought
>that 450 would be a more accurate price. Yes, they do
>have warp jump, and the necron abilities, but they
>simply aren't worth the points.

Ah, looks like self-repair was not forgotten. I'll be using these next
saturday when I meet Ed and Darius, I'll withhold my opinions after that.
>One thing we wondered about, is the one time +1 initiative
>bonus the great mage gives. Is this to be decided to
>use before the roll is made, or can it be used after
>the roll? I know the squats have a unit which gives
>a one time +1 ins mod. , and Eivind has in the past
>decided to use this after the ins roll is made. Is this
>correct, and if so, is the great mage ins mod to be
>used in the same way?

This is a no-no. As far as I know NOTHING in net epic permits you to roll a
dice see the result and THEN decide whether or not to use a power. You MUST
decide BEFORE rolling any dice. The same misconception was seen regarding
chaos cards. I would state that unless the rules SPECIFICALLY state that
this may done, you may NEVER roll first and use cards/powers later. So the
slann player must state he will use his bonus before dice are rolled, other
wise it is way to cheesy.

>Another thing which came up : Nils used Hellbores
>and Moles. When these do deviate, do they get to
>move the 15cms? When he deviated (3 times i think),
>he rolled low on the d6, and could easily move them
>back to the intended target position. After the game,
>Nils thought he had probably interpreted these rules
>wrongly. What is correct?

Good question. Tunnelers may NOT move in the same turn they surfaced. To do
so nullifies teh deviation scheme and penalties associated with it. In the
next and following turns it may move normally.
>All in all, i was very happy with the result. IG could
>easily have won if i hadnt regen'ed a Necron on a VP,
>as Nils mentioned.

Sounds like a pretty even game. Minus a few more "tune-ups" it seems we are
seeing the end of the rainbow.


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