I agree with Nils. In addition i'd like to see
the Vanguards at 400 points (this is actually
what they cost according to the cost formula).
After the weapon adjustments, several HW units
are now left with 50cm range. This is not as it
should be IMHO. The Gravguards and Spawnguards
are now almost identical, with the Gravguards having
one more attack at 50cms and 2 less CAF. The
Gravguards are intended as HW, and should have
75cm range. Nils and I thought about letting
them have a lighter version of the Necron
Heavy Laser, giving them 2 attacks at 75cms,
4+, -2 save. With this adjustment, they came
out at 900 for a company card with the cost formula.
The Gravguards and Spawnguards would then be
different again :)
Even though i havnt tested them, the Exodus Ghost
warriors also now have a range of 50cms. They
are also supposed to be HW support, and need 75cms
range. There are probably also some other units
which need 75 cms range (HW units which previously
had 75cms), like the Dracon Raiders. This would have
to be checked also.
The new warp jump rules also need a tiny modification,
which i know Nils agrees with. There should be no
deviation on a roll of 3-4, but rather a "neutral zone". :)
Losing the special warp jump bonuses AND displacing
is just too harsh for this we think.
The old prices on the rest of the units tested, besides
those mentioned here, seems OK so far. We calculated
the Necron Stalkers with the cost formula, and came
to 550. This is also too high, and Nils and I thought
that 450 would be a more accurate price. Yes, they do
have warp jump, and the necron abilities, but they
simply aren't worth the points.
One thing we wondered about, is the one time +1 initiative
bonus the great mage gives. Is this to be decided to
use before the roll is made, or can it be used after
the roll? I know the squats have a unit which gives
a one time +1 ins mod. , and Eivind has in the past
decided to use this after the ins roll is made. Is this
correct, and if so, is the great mage ins mod to be
used in the same way?
Another thing which came up : Nils used Hellbores
and Moles. When these do deviate, do they get to
move the 15cms? When he deviated (3 times i think),
he rolled low on the d6, and could easily move them
back to the intended target position. After the game,
Nils thought he had probably interpreted these rules
wrongly. What is correct?
All in all, i was very happy with the result. IG could
easily have won if i hadnt regen'ed a Necron on a VP,
as Nils mentioned.
There you have it. Lots of feedback, and lots of
questions. All is good :)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nils.saugen_at_... [mailto:nils.saugen@...]
> Sent: 20. februar 2001 10:54
> To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [NetEpic ML] Return of the Slann first test: (long)
> Hi,
> Rune and I palyed the first test with the Slann 4.1 beta
> rules. We played a
> 5000 points game between Slann and IG.
> Imperial:
> Hellbore
> Artillery Company
> Heavy Company
> Rough Rider Company
> Shadowsword Company *2
> Mole Detachment *3
> Deathstrike Launcher Battery (Multipple warhead missiles)
> Fwd Observer Team
> Astropath
> Commisar in Rhino *6
> Slann:
> Gravguard Company
> Frog Mech Company
> Necron Assault Company*2
> Nemesis MBT Detachment
> Mantis missile Launcher
> Cube Master detachment
> Necron Stalkers
> Vanguards
> Greate Mage
> BATTLEBOARD: (As seen from the imperial setupzone)
> A small town on the right hand side overlooking a forest, the
> left side was
> dominated by hilly terain. On the other side of the field the
> Slann army was
> lurking between a couple of ruined towns.
> I wanted to bring the game into the Slann armys part of the court. The
> Imperials won the first intiative and the Hellbore broke out
> of the ground
> in the middle of the Slann Mechs and Nemesis setup area. Out poured
> guardsmen overwelming the enemy. On both flanks, necron
> assaults advanced
> aganist the VP's in the woods on the right(from the imperial
> side of the
> board) and the hills on the left. Roughriders assembeled in
> the wally below
> the hill on the left and in the wooded area to the right.
> Ready to charge
> forward in the next turn. The earth trembeled as the Moles
> broke through the
> ground and imperial troups poured out taking up firing
> possitions around the
> VP's on the hill and in the middle of the field. The Troops
> on the hill, the
> air on the hill, shimmered as another deachment of Necrons
> exited the warp
> and attacked the Guardsmen possitioned there. The Slann Mechs
> side stepped
> and broke away form the masses of imperial guardsmen in ther
> setupsone,
> moving forward to get within range of the mighty Shadowswords
> spread along
> the imperial line.
> Then the artillery opened firre barrage rained down on the
> Gravguards hiding
> in the towns behind the Slann Line. The Shadowswords opened
> fire on the
> Mechs breaking the company. The Hellbore troops got caught in
> the crossfire
> and was rapidly decimated. Then the Slannmage managed to send
> the Hellbore
> into the warp. Luckily the imperial morale held.
> End of first turn:
> Slann: 28 pts
> Imperial: 37 pts
> The Slann won the initiative on the second turn. They
> continued pushing
> forward on both flanks, regrouping the Gravguards and movin
> the Vanguards
> into the middle of the board. The necron stalkers moved up
> behind the Necron
> assaults on the left. A detachment of Assaults attacked the
> support infantry
> in the Imperial setupline. Led by a couple of commisars a
> detachment of
> roughriders charged up trying to retake the hill. Another
> detachment got
> tangeled up with another detachment of Necrons in the vally
> below. A lot of
> Close Combat on both flanks, left the Slan victorious on the
> left flank, the
> imperials on the right. The Cocky vanguards got a warm
> velcome form the
> imperial guardsmen in the middle of the board, the entire
> detachment viped
> out. The Shadowswords viped out the rest of the Slann Mechs, and the
> Deathstrike missiles took care of the Necron Mechs.
> End of second turn
> Slann: 53 pts
> Imperials: 50 pts
> A DRAW!!
> As a test battle this scenario was probably not the best.
> I've never used
> this combination agans the Slann before, in retrospec it
> would perhaps have
> been better to take the Tech Guard, which I've used on a
> couple of earlyer
> occations. However, it did give us some ideas. Firstly Slann
> is vunerable to
> enemies taking the battle to their side of the board. They
> also have a range
> problem, which means the cant stay on FF in the first turn
> this is good IMO.
> In the end it came down to a single repair roll on an
> objective. Rune made
> it, if he hadn't I would have won 55 to 48.
> Some Things to consider:
> * The Great Mage should be classified as a greater Deamon, when
> testing against Astropath and other powers.
> * The Necrons, should NOT have 75% breakpoint.
> * The Gravguards is supposed to be support units, they
> have 4 attacks
> on 50 cm, we could consider giving them 2 attacks on 75cm instead?
> * 600 points for the Necron Stalkers is to expencive. It should be
> between 450 and 550.
> Rune might want to add some to this list of things.
> Nils
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