Re: [NetEpic ML] Titan CC

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 12:28:44 -0500

> Hi!

The rules for mortarions power state the target get's a saving throw, if
you have none you get a 6. If a titan gets only only ONE save what
should it be? Its not a directed attack where you roll hit location, and
as other powers/weapons in teh game that do this the resolution is the
same, use the models highest save.

Granted it could be more explicit.

It is a non-physical power therefore psy saves and active shields intervene.

Misconception-not all non-physical powers negate armor saves. Just
becasue a power is non-physical does not automatically mean it negates
armor. The powers description is what counts.


> Well now, what you're saying here is very different from what
> it says in the rules. It does nowhere say that the titan gets
> its best save. I really hate playing against chaos. The
> rules are very poorly worded, and the result is that i wont
> play another game against chaos until all the powers are 100%
> clarified in the rules as to what they can and cannot do.
> Is this a non-physical psychic power? If so, then why does
> the titan get an armor save? I thought the psy save
> was instead of the regular armor save? Please clarify the
> rules on this :)
> Rune
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Received on Sun Mar 04 2001 - 17:28:44 UTC

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