netepic vs.40k

From: Christian Danckworth <ce.de_at_...>
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 01:42:29 +0100

hi, just read the statements to epic 40.000.
well, the reason why we decided to play epic(2nd ed.) and now netepic are that we think the rules fit much better to a game of huge, mass-destructive forces that clash together - i want a miniscale game in the 40.000 universe that is different in size to warhammer 40K, that enables me to play fluently EPIC battles (in size) - and that works much better with netepic !
i also have the epic 40.000 rules at home but honestly dont want to play with them...
greetz from berlin city
christian danckworth aka gazkcool
Received on Thu Mar 08 2001 - 00:42:29 UTC

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