That is, if they are in rhinos at the start of round 2! They can't reach
anything in round one, as rhino on charge orders move 50cm max, i.e.
50+25=75 and they're 5 cm short of taking over any UNMOVED unit...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karlsen Rune [mailto:rune.karlsen_at_...]
> Sent: 14. mars 2001 11:33
> To: ''
> Subject: [NetEpic ML] Emperors children
> Hi!
> Just a question : On the special power that the emperors children get,
> it says that they may take over any unmoved detachment within
> 25cms. Does this apply after the emperors children have moved?
> The problem here, as i see it, is that if chaos wins initiative,
> and moves his Emperors children first, he can take over
> virtually anything (they are in rhino's, so they have good move as
> well). Our chaos player did this with me, because i naturally assumed that
> they had to use their power before they moved. I just want to know
> if that is the original intention, and the correct interpretation of
> the rules?
> Rune
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