Re: [NetEpic ML] Campaign System

From: Alberto Lagi <alagi_at_...>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 10:17:54 +0100

> Battlefleet Gothic also has a campaign system. It is pretty simple, but byno
> means bad.

I think it is similar to that presented in Codex Titanicus for AT.

> My suggestion is to look what some existing systems have, take the best ideas
> and combine them, and then make the rest up.

I also agree!!!Even here we can make a basic sistem with many advanced and
optional rules. It would also be interesting to consider a set of special rules
on how each different army conduct a campaign. After all racial differences are
very stressed in the 40K fluff.

Received on Thu Mar 22 2001 - 09:17:54 UTC

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