Hi Tom!
Today i downloaded the incoming issue 4. It's quite ok.... :)
If you're interested i can make a .pdf file from the word .doc. This will
reduce the size from 1MB to 500kb (i can do this for all future issues).
This will make the download a lot faster!
Daniel Wolf
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Webb" <mail_at_...>
To: <netepic_at_yahoogroups.com>
Cc: "Laura Hockley" <Laura_Hockley_at_...>
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 5:41 PM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Incoming Issue #4 Released!
> Hi all,
> The latest issue of Incoming has now been released. Go to to the usual
> for Incoming and you will find two versions, one is an online version and
> another is in a .doc format for offline reading. Thanks to all the people
> who contributed, please note there names in the credits they put ALOT of
> work into the ezine.
> Thanks again to Questor for the excelent cover art :-). I realise that it
> has been released a few days early but as I will be at my GFs for the
> weekend, I thought it would be better to release it early than late :-).
> Let me know what you think of it, I am especially interested in how I
> improve it, what type of articles you would prefer and whether or not a
> only version would be needed.
> I apologise in advance for the people whose articles did not make it into
> the final edition, I will endeavour to get them into the next article. I
> thought it would be better to have around 6 articles and an update on the
> EpiCenter in each ezine. Then if we have a drought of articles then we
> produce a quality e-zine without having to create a delay.
> Tom.
> PS: The EpiCenters JavaScript should be operational now, so update (Press
> 'F5') and let me know if there are any errors I might have missed. One
> comment I recieved was that it was hard to read the buttons due to the
> lightness, the JavaScript should fix this what happened was the buttons
> lightened and when the mouse passes over the button it gets illuminated.
> previous problem was that due to error in the JavaScript when you passed
> your mouse over an error occured and the button was not illuminated. Which
> was kinda pants.
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Received on Sat Mar 31 2001 - 10:51:22 UTC