RE: [NetEpic ML] Star Conflict

From: Tom Webb <mail_at_...>
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2001 14:12:33 +0100

Nope I stand corrected, I just downloaded it and it does only contain the
contents, the new version has been uploaded. The file is smaller due to
better optimisation but contains the full rules.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Tom Webb [mailto:mail_at_...]
  Sent: 08 April 2001 11:45
  Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Star Conflict

  Ah! I understand now, I am checking it now.

  The problem appears to be that as it was directly loading a shell of MS
Word to view the document. This problem can be fixed in the short term by
right clicking and selecting 'Save Target As' I will ZIP the file and
reupload when I get home to rectify this problem in the long term.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: quester [mailto:quester666_at_...]
    Sent: 09 April 2001 01:29
    Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Star Conflict

    thats all I get also tom is a cover page and when i click on the rules
tab I get the page can not be found thing

      Tom Webb <mail_at_...> wrote:

      Hi Jyrji,

      'Empty'? I tried downloading it and it appeared to be fully intact
      you email me the file you downloaded?


      -----Original Message-----
      From: jyrki.saari_at_... [mailto:jyrki.saari_at_...]
      Sent: 06 April 2001 07:24
      Subject: [NetEpic ML] Star Conflict

      About Star Conflict: There seems to be an "empty" version of the rules
      the website. It only contains cover leaf, TOC and introduction but no
      At least that is what I get when I try to download it. Has anybody

      Jyrki Saari

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