RE: [NetEpic ML] Flaming for no legitimate reason, and in a "kind er, gentler" way...

From: <nils.saugen_at_...>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 10:08:17 +0200

Yupp, we would like to get back Bohuslen, Jemtland and Herjedalen you

However, if history repeats itself us norwegians are gonna kick some serious
ass, while you danes get yours kicked by the swedes, then you're gonna sign
some crappy peace treaty with them, giving away half of Norway in the
prosess. It's happened more times than I care to remeber....!!!!

I'm thinkin the fact that Norway is such a young nation (We where in union
with Denmark from 1380 to 1814 (When they lost us to Sweden, goes to show
you can't trust a frenchman) and with Sweden from 1814 to 1905 is probably
the main reason us norewgians are so sceptical about joining the EU. Besides
we are rich, filthy rich.


-----Original Message-----
From: Weasel Fierce [mailto:septimus__at_...]
Sent: 24. april 2001 09:37
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Flaming for no legitimate reason, and in a
"kinder, gentler" way...

>You danes as always been more oriented to the european continent than us
>norweigians. We have always considered the brits as allies and
>buisinesspartners. Guess thats why we no longer have that union of ours...

union!.....everybody knows how Norway rightfully belongs to the danish
empire., that we both agree on that, lets figure out how we get our
land in south-sweden and northern germany back ! ! !

Perhaps that would make a cool NetEpic campaign ???

The "Genforeningskrig" where danish space marines (overexaggeration, the
danish army would be more akin to PDF with poorer CAF) take on swedish ork
forces and german tyranids (if you can eat sauerkraut you gotta be a 'nid).

Perhaps some norwegian eldar troops (with alcohol so expensive you gotta be
good at fighting since you dont waste training time drinking beer) might
join in on the danish side.

Hows that for a campaign ??? ;-)
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