Re: [NetEpic ML] Scenario Challenge!

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 19:02:53 -0400


Very true. I believe we have attempted several times to get some
scenarios done for general use, but other projects take us away from
that. Now since all the major work is done its pertinent we give players
something more than meeting engagements. Here's some ideas:

1. The simplest is the siege scenario. The attacker will have twice as
many points to spend than the defender. The defender is further
hamstrung that from his points he must buy fortifications. The set up
may vary the defender sets up first, set up the terrain and fortications
in any way he sees fit anywhere on the board. The attacker may then set
his forces on any table edge as long as its at least 50cm away from the
defender. This scenario may be firther detailed by adding rules such as
no t-hawk, teleporting or drop pods use within the defense permitier
until certain objectives within the defense perimeter are taken (like
knocking out defense lasers, satelite tracking stations etc.) VP's are
earned in the same way, but defenders get double VP for breaking units
and attackers get double VP's for taking defenses. I found that it makes
it more interesting to attack a bonus VP to the defender the longer he
holds out. For example the defender gets +5VP for every turn beyond the
6th turn he still is in the game.

2. Ambush. This requires some preparation before the game begins. One
player is the ambusher the other the "ambushed". The ambusher sets up
the terrain. The goal is for the "ambushee" to enter the board at one
point and exit it from another (usually very far) point. The ambusher
using a drawing of the battlefield, chits or any mutually agreeable
method will assign "where" his unit lie in wait. For every unbroken unit
the "ambushee" gets off the table he gets double the VP value of that
unit. He gets standard VP for breaking ambushing units. The ambusher
task is simple, to destroy as many units as he can. Both sides get the
same points, but the ambusher automatically gains initiative each turn.

3. Flanking manuever. This is a variant of the standard meeting
engagement, but each player may keep up to 25% of his forces back to
attempt to enter them from the sides of even behind the enemy! Both
sides get the same points to spend and the usual rules for objectives
apply. A flanking manuever is made by rolling ONE d6 for EACH detachment
involved in the flanking manuever (companies would make three rolls). If
successful place that unit on the side of choice and give orders
normally. Note when coming in from the side it must be from the exact
middle of that table side (no-mans land). For coming behind the enemies
line you need a roll of 6 and you would come right on the opponents
table edge. If the roll is failed that detachment may NOT act that turn.
Some armies are better at doing this like space marines, but others like
IG and orks will have serious command and control issues if the
detachments make the roll and hq's dont. This all adds to the fun!

4. Capture and retrieve. One objective is placed on each side. The enemy
must capture it (hold for one full turn) and then assign one model as
the "runner". That model must exit the board through the owing players
table edge, if he does so he wins. Casualties and other such things

These are some, no doubt other will suggest some more.


jyrki.saari_at_... wrote:

> We have discussed a lot about rules in this list, but I have seen next to no
> discussion about scenarios. While good rules are required to play it is
> (IMO) good scenarios which keep people playing. I'm sure that with the
> amount of creativity the people in here have we can come up with something
> really good. C'mon people, I'm sure you don't play the standard "line up and
> start stomping" or "meeting engagement" type battles all the time. So: any
> ideas?
> Myself, I have thought about blowing the dust off my Ursk II mini campaign,
> but that may be a bit too large a bite for starters, so what is needed are
> some good one battle scenarios.
> Jyrki Saari
> -There is no such thing as free lunch because eating takes time and time is
> money.
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