[NetEpic ML] Re: Opinions wanted

From: <magnus_at_...>
Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 14:11:41 -0000

> > A) there's no way you can really enforce uncheesiness through
> > rules, so stop trying

> At least I will not called cheesy.

He.. I was unable to clearly express my point, really.

What I was trying to say is, fielding those two companies in a small
battle is NOT cheesy in the slightest. The cheesiness is all in the
eyes of the beholder, in this case.

Your proposed limitations are a moot point, because they're already
inbuilt with the company stats and cost. There's just no way you can
really give decent support to a Termie company (or a Vet one) without
at least 2000 points of other troops; basically, the "limitation" you
propose would be meet in any case by someone with common sense :-)

Numbers are not everything in the field of battle, but they DO count.
Fielding Termies alongside with Veterans in a 3000 points battle
means you're going to be outnumbered even by an *Eldar army*, and
that's saying something. Basically, if the opponent has any
experience, you're doomed: either it will swarm you in two
consecutive waves (if using a CC army) or it will just shoot you to
death. Really, with 2/3rds of your points taken by those two
companies, you've pitifully little left with which to buy artillery
support, heavy weapon support, titan support, mobile reserves etc.
Just about the only sensible scenario in which to take those two
companies together is in a big battle (6000+ points) where they
represent the shock troops of your army.

Luca Lettieri
Received on Fri May 18 2001 - 14:11:41 UTC

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