I think i've only taken out a squat Colossus/Leviathan
once, and that was with an early Slann version.
They're pretty darn cheap if you compare them to other
Titans/Praetorians, but the rationale here has always
been that the Squats should have cheap Praetorians since
they're so good at building them or something.
Compare their firepower and staying power to f.ex a
Necron Titan.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Ramos [mailto:primarch_at_...]
> Sent: 30. mai 2001 01:46
> To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] unballanced armies
> Hi!
> Damn thats expensive! The original idea was to make preatorians worth
> their points by giving them templates, is templates and their
> original
> cost too good? I'd like to hear comments on this, since its a very
> interesting point.
> Peter
> Ryan Lawson wrote:
> > I agree, we definitely need more games against the
> > Squats, to test them out. But what we can already say,
> > based on what we've seen so far, is that they are
> > very strong. The combination of high BP, cheap Praetorians
> > ,very strong and fast CC troops and good artillery
> > makes them one tough cookie to beat. It's not impossible
> > to beat them, but it seems to me they already have the
> > odds in their favor. The fact that not only we have
> > noticed that, but people from other gaming groups as
> > well, only encourages my belief that they've been
> > back to the cheesecupboard for seconds.
> > ***************************************
> >
> > In our group we give Squat praetorians hit locations like
> titans, but I pay
> > extra for it. I pay 800 for a Colossus and 750 for a
> Cyclops. This is not
> > cheap. In several games that I have fielded them like this,
> on 3 occasions
> > they would have been one-shot killed on turn 1. Anything
> that can be easily
> > one-shot killed is not worth 500 points. It was worth an
> extra 300 points to
> > have a Colossus and Cyclops take a pounding, get damaged,
> but hang in there
> > for 3 or 4 turns.
> >
> >
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