just to let you all know I painted my 40K Dark Angles in 1989 their leagon colors were Black w/ red trim and the terminators should be white with red trim after the genestealer thing . All this green came from a brake off chapter after the "Dark Angles leagon" was broken up into its 1000 chapters. so now they have a 1000 differant color schimes like all the leagons. ultra, star wolfs, Emp.fists, etc. in my math there are over 12,000 chapters of SM. not counting chaos and the missing ones.
QT.from Angles of death "armor used by the death wing was painted black but after a single squad of dark Angles terminators rescued their home world from the grip of a genestealer invasion the suits were recoloured white to honour their memory."
There are 20 squads of terminators (100) in the deathwing + land raiders, dreadnoughts, and leadership thats a big company, then they have the ravenwing and 8 standard companys ,rhinos, dreadnoughts, and leadership + techs and servitors
figer 2000+ space marines just a bit more then the 1000 man they are to have ???
rscc <rscc_at_...> wrote: >3EdWH40K, has everyone but the Death Wing in the DA Green
>colors, with white wings, while the Death Wing is still bone white with
>red wings.
More wrongness. Check out any third edition fluff on the Dark Angels. The DA
codex, WD233 and 234, WD252, etc, etc. The current Ravenwing colour is *black*.
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