I think we can use the hellfury as it is, only makeing it a Robot carrying
APC instead. Removeing it's possibility to carry any other units???? Adding
the override program to it.
This would mean that a detachment consisting of 5 robots (any of the 4 or 5
types) + one hellfury APC would cost 250 points. The company would cost 750
points. I think this is a good one.
The Hellfury can override the robot program for 1 detachment of robots
within 25 cm of the tank, giving them orders as normal. If the hellfury is
destroyed, the Robots may not do anything for the remainder of that turn,
except defend in cc. The next turn the go back to their original program.
-----Original Message-----
From: eivind.borgeteien_at_... [mailto:eivind.borgeteien@...]
Sent: 12. juni 2001 11:13
To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: [NetEpic ML] On the new squat units
Sensitivity: Confidential
One of the main grudges people have against the squats is that they are hard
to break. The Shortbeards are much easier to break and should provide some
easier VPs for the oponent. This way it should be very well balanced.
The Slayer Cult is taken from WFB and I think it would have been introduced
sooner or later if GW has continued their squat range for epic. At least
thats my personal POV...
It WAS introduced as a joke, but then as a Companycard with 3 detatchments,
with +6, +7 or something in CAF. As a specialcard of one detatchment with
far reduced CAF, I think this units deserves some testing.
Isnt it food for thought that the only ones crying "wolf!" here are the ones
that always have beaten the Squats.....? :-)
There are at present time no stats for the APC carrying the robots. I havent
gotten around to do that yet, but you might want to take a look at the
Hellfury APC
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Received on Tue Jun 12 2001 - 09:49:49 UTC