Re: Books (was Re: [Epic] Nukes in Epic universe)

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 1997 10:17:31 -0600

At 17:28 01/22/1997 -0800, you wrote:

>-the strange idea of harsh environments=make super humans (Fremen,
>Sardaukar, Katachan Jungle Warriors)

This is not a strange idea, but a time proven fact. The mongols led a harsh
life and grew to rule the largest land empire ever. The Buffalo Soldiers
were former slaves and were the only US Cav unit the indians feared. The
Nordic peoples from the Viking period until the 18th (?) century had a
tremendous military record. Hardship breeds self-discipline, which is more
important for military success than any other single factor. Additionally,
physical hardship breeds physically tough individuals who are used to
deprivation. The combination is a vicious one.
        Incidentally, many of the items you listed are simply stock sci-fi

>PS: Whoever said that all the Dune books after the first one sucked: What
>are you thinking!? I loved that series! (Though I suppose we really
>shouldn't debate the merits of it over the list ;P)

Personally, I do think the quality began to decline. But I would still put
_Dune_ up there with the greatest novels of all time, both from a sci-fi and
from a literary perspective.

Received on Thu Jan 23 1997 - 16:17:31 UTC

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