[Epic] Drop Pods

From: Brett Hollindale <agro_at_...>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 00:15:23 GMT

Another few questions on drop pods...

Can you take Spare Marine Scouts in Drop Pods?

It says that the the pods "replace a companies rhinos" and while the scouts
do have a (single) rhino (the commander's) to replace, aren't the drop pods
_free_ because you have already paid for transports (for the whole company)
- that transport being "the company's rhinos" that you are "replacing"?

We (the group I play most of my games with) currently allow Marines to take
drop pods for scout companies, but I am organising the EPIC at our local
annual convention and I would like to know if other people think that the
cheapest SM company able to be deployed by drop pods is the tactical or
assault company.

Do people allow artillery to barrage multiple drop pods with every shot as
they fall?
Since the drop pods start on a burst template, it is likely that they will
land in a pretty solid mass. Artillery fire at them as tyhey fall can
target the drop pods witout consideration of the troops on the ground (that
they will now be in amongst) but do the drop pods re-enter in a two
dimentional plane (like the table top) or do people consider them to be at
sufficently variable altitudes during their re-entry that a barrage will
only hit a single pod as it falls?

I would really like to know how other people deal with drop pods

Received on Mon Jan 27 1997 - 00:15:23 UTC

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