At 12:47 PM 28/1/97 -0600, you wrote:
>At 21:42 01/27/1997 +0000, you wrote:
>>>First off, chaos cards can't be played on titans or demon engines.
>>>Secondly, if it says "unit" it can only be played on a unit, not on an
>>>individual model. So no invisibility for greater demons.
>>That's a bit harsh, don't you think? We consider the GD to be a "unit of
>>one" for those cards...
>Like I said, I can't remember the reference, but I believe it was the WD
>that stated that chaos could use all marine detachments. In any case GDs
>using cards that said "unit" was specifically mentioned. Unfortunately I
>don't have access to many of the Q&A I used to, as most of them were in
>magazines belonging to other people or were sent in. But no, I don't think
>it's particularly harsh. Again, this seems to be a point that the crew I
>played with differed from most people on this list. Chaos players always
>took as many GDs as possible - usually in the ball park of 1 per 1000 pts.
>Even if they didnt' kill many opponent models, they are nearly impossible to
>knock off of objectives. This allows you to send your swarm of troops
>across the board (with the faster GDs) while the slow guys stand on top of
>the objectives and hammer anyone who dares to come near. So no jet bikes
>swooping points at the end, no t-hawks landing and snatching victory from
>the jaws of defeat, etc.. It also keeps all the Khorne stuff ahead on vps
>so they get their advantages.
> Just for an example, imagine a nurgle GD on an objective in the
>woods. No direct fire, can't be outnumbered in cc, fires the stream of
>corruptino (I know that's misspelled, but "corruptino" amused me greatly) in
>the FF phase (probably hitting 2 models if you swarm him). I saw one whip a
>detachment of Grey knights w/o breaking a sweat (or playing cards for that
>matter). If you take turns placing objectives as described it in the rule
>book such a situation is NOT that hard to arrange. I wish every 300 points
>in my army could almost guarantee 5 vps.
> Another: LoC charges a Colossus (I pick LoC because they are the
>fastest of the demons). The colossus is pinned, can't fire FF at the demon,
>and is closely matched in caf. Throw a growth card on the demon and/or
>uncontrollable flatulence (or the other "half caf for your opponent" card)
>and suddenly the Colossus is horribly outclassed. I've managed this twice
>against squat shv's and a number of times against less formidable models. I
>dont' feel it's necessary to add the ability to play the "long legs" card on
>the LoC so he can reach more distant opponents.
> I'm sure the arguments will be along the lines of "these are
>specialty situations," but they're not. They are relatively easy to arrange
>for the chaos player.
>Whew! Just went on a tear there, didn't I?
Well, maybe you did, but all of the things you described happen pretty
regularly here...
Received on Tue Jan 28 1997 - 22:13:28 UTC
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