RE: [Epic] Epic 40k Armies

From: James Nugent <jnug1453_at_...>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 07:32:32 -0400

Anyway, please continue this thread, I would really like to hear all about=

peoples armies. C'mon Chaos, corrupt another young innocent. And Orks,
ther Waaaaagh! is alway good. And I must say, the squats are coming up a
ttle short here. (Shoot me)

---------> Well, you asked :). Here's my quick=
 overview of the armies. As I said before, I'm mostly an Eldar player, but =
here is a quick overview of what i've seen so far.

Imperial: Solid and de=
pendable with a good variety. These have a little bit of everything, and ma=
rine chapters are fun to paint. The also lost the least between versions. A=
ll other races lost far more stuff.

Eldar:Havn't quite figured these out y=
et. You have an assault army that can't take causlties. Good short range fi=
repower. Anyway, go figure. Basicly, good attack, little defence the the wa=
y it goes.

Orks:The green tide of doom. The stuff is mostly nothing specia=
l, but it doesn't matter because there's a lot of it! Definatly a fun army,=
 even without their hilarious rules.
Allso they have the ability to shoot o=
r attack. Massed orky firepower is no joke.

Tyranids:Chomp Chomp...<swall=
ow>. The most assault oriented army, these are another ravening hoard type.=
 Definaly cool, as they can overwhelm anything.

Chaos:Blut fe de blut got!=
 These guys lost a bit of their traitor aspect, they used to be much more l=
ike the imperials, but they are still quite good. Also, daemons are just ko=
ol, because they have ridiculsly high assault values, not to mention are ne=
at looking.
"Your incorrect assumptions=
 are threefold."
"You assume law still reigns in the Five Galaxies"
"You as=
sume that we would be bound by precedents and precepts from the last 10 mil=
lion years."
"But your most incorrect assumption of all is to assume that w=
e care."
                                        -David Brin, Infinity's Shore
------------------------James Nugent---------------------------------------=


Received on Thu Jul 31 1997 - 11:32:32 UTC

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