Re: [Epic] SM/TL Chaos units

From: Scott Shupe <shupes_at_...>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 11:37:16 -0400

Miller, Chris wrote:
> >> Vortex missile hits a unit of Horrors - Do they split, or do
> >> they just go away?
> >
> > They effectively go away - pink dies, is replaced
> >"immeadiately" (according to Renegades) with the blues, blues
> >die. No room for confusion there.
> -----> how bout doomweaver's - do they die, or do you do the Q&A
> regeneration thing and move'em to the edge after they split?

        I'm not familiar enough with the Doomweaver rules
to really comment.

> >> What if we have a very cluttered close combat and there is not
> >> enough room to physically place two stands where one used
> >> to be? Does somebody move? Does one just go away?
> >
> > I don't see why one would go away. Just make
> >room for the new guy. Sheesh.
> -----> Can't move mini's for any other reason

        Well, you can, just not in the case where the minis
are all the same size class (which is probably the case here).

>- why this?

        Because it's obviously a special case not taken into
account by the rules. Moving the guys around is my suggestion,
feel free to do whatever you want, but there's nothing to
indicate you should get rid of a horror. There are different
ways of handling it without moving anyone - for one thing, you
could simply not box in horrors. You could have a 'virtual'
blue horror that is only in base-to-base with the stand that
killed the pink - if the virtual blue wins, it takes the place
of the stand it killed; if it loses it dies, then there's no
problem. There are solutions.

> ( And does that mean I can scoot your arty units over
> to squeeze in more of my assault marines?)

        Normal movement is already covered by the rules. This
isn't, it's a special case.

Received on Thu Jul 31 1997 - 15:37:16 UTC

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