RE: [Epic] Epic 40k Armies

From: james <jnug1453_at_...>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 12:06:27 -0400

I like Space Marines, but I'm almost turned off because everyone
else does=
 too, now. (I know it is as silly to turn off from something
because every=
one else likes it as it is to like something because
everyone else likes it=
.) Seems to me that before Epic 40K, the list
was full of players of every=
thing but Space Marines. I'm sure there
were some, but we had tons of ever=
yone else. I heard a couple of
groups say they didn't have a Space Marine =
player. And that even
with Space Marines being heavily represented in the =
main box (titled,
appropriately, "Space Marine"). Seems like that's on eve=
ryone's list
now. Still, I like 'em, and they're easy to paint. I'm tryin=
g to
encourage my wife to paint the Eldar, but those infantry look tough.

That's odd, I always thought the majority were space marine players. I don'=
t think space marine players were a majority before E40K, although they wer=
e definaly the largest group. Now it seems they make up a majority of ALL p=
layers. Of course, it is tought with us, because some of you people have mu=
ltiple armies... :)
"Your incorrect ass=
umptions are threefold."
"You assume law still reigns in the Five Galaxies"=

"You assume that we would be bound by precedents and precepts from the las=
t 10 million years."
"But your most incorrect assumption of all is to assum=
e that we care."
                                        -David Brin, Infinity's Shore
--------------------------------James Nugent-------------------------------=

Received on Thu Jul 31 1997 - 16:06:27 UTC

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