Re: [Epic] Who is the elusive Sauron1?

From: Philip Troy Routley <ptr320_at_...>
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 1997 02:15:03 -0600 (CST)

>> 1) He is/was in the army - armor company to be specific. Is he an
>> or officer?
>Blow up by an RSM would indicate that he probably was enlisted at the time
>(Although An Australian RSM (RSM Payne of 8/7 RVR for the local's) severly
>Chewed out a visiting American General for Spitting on HIS parade ground!
>Publicaly! )

Well, I'm navy myself, so I don't know to much about attitudes of RSM's.
Shipboard, however, it isn't terribly uncommon for senior NCO's to correct
junior officers when they do something stupid relating to the NCO's part
ship - assuming the captain doesn't notice and do it himself of course.
It's part of the 'unwritten' job of a senior NCO to use his experience to
'guide' the junior officers who, while technically outranking the NCO due
to their commission, lack the years of experience the NCO has. The good
officers of course consult their specialists (the NCO's) and thus don't
make the mistake in the first place.

Received on Mon Aug 04 1997 - 08:15:03 UTC

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