Re: [Epic] [E40k] Chaos

From: Richard Bright <r.bright_at_...>
Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 09:25:00 +1200

At 03:53 PM 8/6/97 -0400, Mark wrote:
> If I were to add a second power to my army to make it more
>viable, which one of the three would you choose?

I'm new to E40K, but I have played SM/TL Chaos for a few years. My personal
favourite is Nurgle. Filth, decay and pestilence make for brilliant paint
jobs. Under the old reward card system Nurgle marines struck terror into
infantry-based armies, and Mortarion once wiped out two entire detachments
of Nobz Bikers who had foolishly surrounded him with a view to blowing him
away. Ah, the good old days...

I don't know that Mort will be so interesting now but the forces will still
look neat.

Slaanesh is good for a laugh as the pastel colours are very distinctive on
most battlefields. If you have the plastic sprues you should be able to
raise lots of Beast Riders.

Describing to your opponent exactly what your troops are going to do to his
troops can often be an effective psychological ploy - though its not for
the squeamish or the sexually repressed ;-)

The trick with Chaos is to have fun! Gamers HATE players who find their own
disasters as hilarious as the misfortunes of their opponents.


"The important lesson is that you can get what
you want and still not be very happy"
                        Pope Cerebus

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Received on Wed Aug 06 1997 - 21:25:00 UTC

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