I think I may be reading the rules wrong here; could somebody please clarif=
y. It seems in the below tactic, the idea is to have part of the detachmen=
t well in advance of the rest of the detachment in order for the guys in ba=
ck to shoot WAY long range measuring distance from the guys in front. For =
instance, the scouts 60 cm in front of the HQ unit and Devastators 30 cm be=
hind the HQ unit. The Devastators are shooting 45 cm beyond the Scout scre=
en in front. This just doesn't sound right. I've been playing each indivi=
dual unit in a detachment measures from their own stand the distance to the=
target enemy detachment. As long as at least one of your units in a detac=
hment is in range of an enemy detachment, your detachment can shoot at the =
enemy detachment, but only those units in your detachment that are within r=
ange. Which way is correct?
From: Bill Provick[SMTP:bprovick_at_=
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 1997 11:49 AM
To: space-marine_at_ts.=
Subject: Re: [Epic] Interesting Orky Tactic...
>1. Could I put D=
et.1 (the shooterz) on Overwatch orders? The rules say that
>the Orks bei=
ng tranported may not move.
I say no, because they're hanging onto the bat=
tlewagon, not aiming
>2. Probably asking for some cheese-bashing, but cou=
ld the wagons detachment
>pick-up the shooterz in the assault phase and wi=
sk them away to safety?
No, Orks can only hitch a lift once per turn, as p=
age 15 of the rule book
"Orks Hitching a Lift"
How about this:
Heavy Weap=
ons Squad
Devastator Squad HQ In Rhino 72 pts.
Main force:
Devastator S=
quad in Rhino 47 pts.
Scout Squad 16 pts.
out Squad 16 pts.
Whirlwind =
26 pts.
Whirlwind 26 pts.
and Raider 36 pts.
Scouts infiltrate to setup i=
n a great place for Devastators -good LoS,
Cover, etc. They can setup an ex=
tra 30cm away from deployment zone, and if
they are out of command (Althoug=
h they are in command within 60 cm) they
just sit and snap fire, so they ca=
n defend for a turn. They defend until the
rest of the unit arrives. Landra=
ider can transport if they need to move, if
not, two barrage units, two dev=
astator squads and a landraider (For
attacking tanks) blast away at the ene=
my. Scout can defend, form human
shield, or run interference up to 60 cm aw=
ay (Which is out of range of
whirlwinds, but still, they can be used to dra=
w enemies into whirlwind range)
Now remember, I am doing this with the uni=
ts from the Epic 40K boxed set.
But think of the uses, Scouts can "tag" ne=
arby deployment zones for
anything. Sure they won't last long, but at least=
you get something to make
sure your enemy doesn't snatch up all the good s=
hooty areas.
What would be good would be to also include a Artillery unit =
from IG so I
can really have a long ranged punch.
And for whoever said th=
at detachments under 300 points get killed to quick,
you should see my reco=
n detachment. 2 bike units, and that's all. 85 pts. I
have yet to play a ga=
me, but I expect that those little buggers will prove
their worth, especial=
ly as a screening force. Oh no, I lost 2 moral, big
whoop (As compared to 9=
, 7, 5.) Of course, because of a calculation error
(Missed the period) they=
're listed as having a moral value of 17. Oops.
My whole armies moral tota=
l is 23, and the points cost is 1063 and I've used
almost every model from =
the box. Except rhinos, I only use 7 (Leaves me 5)
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Received on Wed Aug 06 1997 - 22:09:34 UTC