RE: [Epic] Painting the little guys

From: Chris White <chris_at_...>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 08:35:32 -0700

        I've often wondered about that...I think they always include orks because=
...well...who would pay money for them? Sure, they have some cool looking s=
tuff, but the surest way to win is to constantly move forward. In fact, it =
takes very little tactical ability to play with them and where is the chall=
enge in that?

        Sorry, I'm ranting again. I LIKE the orks, they're fun conc=
ept-wise, but BORING to play with... I'd rather lose a challenging game tha=
n simply roll forward.

Is that the way it is now? I know in second edition=
 epic and 40K for that matter orks were/are extremly difficult to play(prob=
ably why no one does it around here). If you want a challenging army try El=
dar or possilby tyranids. (I've seen one game with Tyranids. That ignore le=
adership is pretty good. )

Well, I may have been a little heavy handed wi=
th that rant...Orks are a challenge, I just prefer the precision of a scalp=
el vs. a big sledgehammer.


Received on Wed Aug 13 1997 - 15:35:32 UTC

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