RE: [Epic] Orks with LandRaiders

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 08:30:32 -0500

>> In WD 212 some kind soul has put in pictures of an Ork army with Land
>>Raiders in it. Now my regular Ork opponent thinks this is a fine idea and
>>wishes to do the same. To me, this is not a good thing, after all if he
>>wanted Land Raiders he should have taken an Imperial army and not the
>> Does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this little problem (without
>>screaming .. "You have to be joking" at the top of my lungs)
>> Cheers.
>> Chris Pinson
>Well, it's kind of a legacy from Epic(2nd). Orcs could buy Land Raiders
>cheaper than the Imperium! But, they could only buy them as detachment
>cards, not company cards. So, one mob could have 15 Land Raiders as
>detachments. Not something you want to see on first fire!
>--Ken Taborek oberon_at_...
>"Show respect for age. Drink good Scotch for a change."- random fortune
------> Yep, if you're playing SM/TL there's a way to do it, but for
I'm afraid I'd have to be the nazi and say "Nein." Sure, you can use 'em
battlewagons - I have absolutely no problem with that and think it's
orky. I even like the battlefortress idea. But they should be modified
look more orky (spare turrets and such) and use orky stats or you're
just trying to slide in some LR's any way you can. How about some
Eldar jetbikes, too? Perhaps an IG artillery unit?
        To me, you play your army or you don't, and when you start
trying to justify adding on the key/signature units from other armies,
you start to muddy it up. If the IG can't take LR's, then the orks
shouldn't be able to.
        That said, I would say anything is fair game for orky conversion - you
just don't get the stats. You wanna add some marine attack bikes with
orky crews to your force. Fine, but statwise they're buggies or bikes.
"Orky-up" an imperial fighter - again, I think this is a great idea, bu
gets orky stats. To go along with this, you also pay orky points, so
there's not too much room to complain.
        I've seen this slippery slope start before. Even if you try to control
it thru points cost, you'll get some weirdness: Suppose orks pay double
for land raiders. Fine. Then a marine player wants some Eldar vehicles
at double points. Then the IG wants land raiders. It continues...
        To wrap - use whatever mini's and conversions you want, but don't
obsess on trying to actually get the units from another army. You want
build another army. No army list out there now is bad - try using it for
a while.

Lecture over - NEXT!

Chris Miller
Received on Fri Aug 22 1997 - 13:30:32 UTC

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