[Epic] Web pages

From: Colen McAlister <colen_at_...>
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 1997 21:51:13 +0100

<Shameless Plug>

Visit my homepage (http://www.bryanmac.demon.co.uk/colen/) for Epic,
Warhammer, Man o' War, Warhammer 40K, Warhammer Quest, and other
exciting things!

</Shameless Plug>

On a slightly more serious note, comments / flames / etc. are welcomed
with open arms. If you have a web page you'd like me to put a link to,
just say. Millions of visitors so far*!

*: This is a lie

<emblem of Slaanesh>

'Mad Dog' McAlister
    /\          Colen McAlister, AKA 'Mad Dog' McAlister,
   /--\           Chaos Lord of Slaanesh, Keeper of the
    ||            Unholy Keys, Lord of the Third Realm,
    ||   |\        Cleaner of the 8 Steps and Chosen
 /--  ---- \               of the Chaos Gods
 \--  ---- /
    | |  |/            colen_at_...
   \---/        or http://www.bryanmac.demon.co.uk/colen
Received on Sun Aug 24 1997 - 20:51:13 UTC

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