Re: [Epic] Tyranids vs Tyranids

From: Timothy J. Kilgore <tkilgore_at_...>
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 10:52:24 -0400

>(One of my pet theories is that, in the end, Chaos and the Imperium ally
>to try and stop the advance of the Hive Mind....)

I really can't agree with you here, because of several of my own pet
theories. The basic to theories are that Chaos does not care about self
preservation. Most of the troops have been alive for over 10,000 years and
most of them would like to die and stay dead. With all the wars that have
occured in the past 10,000 years logically all of the original traitors
should be dead, if they actually died when they got shot down, hacked apart
or whatever. However the chaos gods are very jealous entities. They do
not want "thier" play things to leave thier aura of influence so when the
chaos troopers "die" their soul is brought back to the warp and then brough
back into exsistance through the eye of terror. Essentially chaos never
dies just gets banished back to the eye of chaos. The only reason they
continue to fight in wars is because they have been altered so far that
they are only interested in war, its the only thing that breaks their
monotanous existance

Also Chaos has a deep routed hatred for the Imperium. For chaos to be able
to get over that hatred they would have to be interested in thier own life,
which I have just argued they are not.
Timothy J. Kilgore

I'm an american!
do you know what that means?
it means my forefathers got
kicked out of every decent country in the world!
Received on Fri Aug 29 1997 - 14:52:24 UTC

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