RE: [Epic] marine chapters (was: Orks with LandRaiders)

Date: Wed, 3 Sep 1997 17:34:52 +0200

Sauron1 writes; It applies to epic as well. Even Gw had an aricle last
about toning down the High end commanders in favor of ordinary grunts.
I be
leave there should be a ratio of standard to specials. The points cost
it in Epic, sort of, but how often did the Regimental/Brigade
commander get
close enough to get shot at in W.W.II? We do not field a special
unless 60% of his command is actual on the table.( My original group
with 200 stand SM chapters for Horus Heresy ) sauron1

MadMac Writes,
Not to get into GW bashing, but a player in my group (the Chaos psycho
to be exact) says that all GW games are stuck in a time warp ending
around 1914. The last war to see massed infantry charges vs automatic
weapons and Regimental Commanders leading from the front.
A time where close assault are more effective than heavy weapons.

I have a question about Supreme Commanders. You don't use them? I
thought they were required (I know there is no one over my head with a
club ***&&^*^%* oww!). The problem I have with the Supreme Commander
is that you are allowed to target his tiny detachment regardless of
what detachments are in front of him.

Picture if you will a detachment of 2 LR, 2 Wolfguard Term (I play
SW), 4 Rhinos, and 8 Grey Hunters in front of a Supreme Commander, His
LR, and 3 Atk Bikes (my Cmd Squad).
The Chaos Spawn (well he is you know) is allowed to fire at the
Supreme Commander det because detachments do not block line of sight
};^'( If he rolls a single 6, he is allowed to target the Supreme
Commander's Land Raider. How is the Supreme Commander Detachment
supposed to survive. We have been reduced to having the Supreme
Commander detachment consisting a sole CMD stand riding in another
detachments Land Raider. Using the rule that a detachment consisting
of all Inf can be transported by another detachment. We don't like
it, but the only alternative is not to bring a supreme commander.

I saw an optional rule on a web page (don't remember where) that only
allowed 20% instead of 50% of a 40K army to be characters.

Early postings number 50 to 100 suits of terminator armor in a 1000
(lots) man Marine Chapter.
On the low side this comes out to about 1 in 20 marines with
terminator armor. A limit of 20% Characters and/or characters could
be a good percentage for an epic army. I am going to see if I can
talk the Chaos player into it. Yeah right.

};^') MadMac
Received on Wed Sep 03 1997 - 15:34:52 UTC

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