You wrote :
>>I have a question about Supreme Commanders. You don't use them? I
>>thought they were required (I know there is no one over my head
>>with a
>>club ***&&^*^%* oww!). The problem I have with the Supreme
>>is that you are allowed to target his tiny detachment regardless of
>>what detachments are in front of him.
>>Picture if you will a detachment of 2 LR, 2 Wolfguard Term (I play
>>SW), 4 Rhinos, and 8 Grey Hunters in front of a Supreme Commander,
>>LR, and 3 Atk Bikes (my Cmd Squad).
>>The Chaos Spawn (well he is you know) is allowed to fire at the
>>Supreme Commander det because detachments do not block line of sight
>>};^'( If he rolls a single 6, he is allowed to target the Supreme
>>Commander's Land Raider. How is the Supreme Commander Detachment
>>supposed to survive. We have been reduced to having the Supreme
>>Commander detachment consisting a sole CMD stand riding in another
>>detachments Land Raider. Using the rule that a detachment
>>of all Inf can be transported by another detachment. We don't like
>>it, but the only alternative is not to bring a supreme commander.
>I thought that the only purpose of the rule for detachments not
>line of sight was that detachments don't block other detachments in
>armies line of sight.
My gaming group use a house rule for line of sight.
If a unit is in front of something which is bigger, it doesn't block
the line of sight of the bigger thing.
If a unit is in front of something which is smaller, it does block
the line of sight of the smaller thing.
For example, a Devastator squad which is in front of a Land Raider
won't block its line of sight, but a Land Raider in front of Predator
will block it...
>I am pretty sure that you still have to target the closest detachment,
>all a SHW allows you to do is to target individual models in the
>detachment. Correct me if I'm wrong
I don't think this is right, I don't know any official rule about
As there is a W40k player in my group, we decided to do this but it's
only a house rule.
Francois Bruntz
Apprenti MIAGE (Universite Paris XII - IBM France)
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Space Marine and Epic 40k
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