RE: [Epic] marine chapters (was: Orks with LandRaiders)

Date: Fri, 5 Sep 1997 07:07:26 +0200

From: Miller, Chris[SMTP:CMiller_at_...]
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 1997 5:25 PM
To: space-marine_at_...
Subject: RE: [Epic] marine chapters (was: Orks with LandRaiders)

>-----> You might wanna check some Q&A's on that 2+ Chaos Terminator
>Khorne's Armor is 2+ on 1d6, termie armor is 3+ on 2d6, and the only
>who gets 2+ on 2d6 is Abbaddon, and it even says "unique-Abbaddon
>So if Smartboy is using 2+ on 2d6 for all his normal termies, he may
>have a problem...

Normal Terminator Armor is 3+ on 2d6, the Mark of Khorne reduces it by
1. Not a big problem until you make an army of them.

<snip> I believe this is the socially acceptable way to shorten a long

>>In a related note. Targeting: I do not think all units should be
>>able to ignore closer detachments for juicer targets. Now before
>>"Flame On", remember I said not "all". Titans and other special
>>"elite" units could probably ignore targeting restrictions because
>>they have special missions and priority of fires (as in 40K).

-----> I don't get the venom on this issue either. The reason there's
rule in 40K for this is that if I'm in a unit about to be charged by
squad 20' (3-4") away, I'm probably gonna shoot them, and not that
other squad 100' (15") away, no matter that they're about to break
the guys right by me aren't. It gives the model a bit of a say in
overriding the player's desire to sacrifice everyone.
I don't think it's in E40K but it wouldn't light my fuse if it was...

Chris Miller

Shhhhhhhhh. Are you crazy };^')
Someone may be listening. We must not even hint at targeting
restrictions. Our troops must ignore all tactical threats and
maintain operational awareness at all times. If we were not allowed
to move and fire with total impunity it would be chaos, the dead
rising, fire from the sky, rivers of blood, dogs and cats living
together in the streets.

No, I do not understand the hate towards targeting restrictions
either. J. Michael Looney's example of Gretchen and Shooty Boyz is a
good point. I think the detachment rules allow you to bring a screen
as part of you detachment.

I mix LR, Marines, and bikes in all of my detachments. A Infantry
detachment will always get task organized with a few LR and bikes. A
LR detachment gets a few Atk Bikes to soak up blast markers (cheaper
than predators and the 15cm is not that significant since the AB moves

Received on Fri Sep 05 1997 - 05:07:26 UTC

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