RE: [Epic] Thoughts on Ork Tribes

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 16:51:45 -0500

>> -----> This is OK except for the no Nobz thing. Everybody gets Nobz.
>I've no problem giving the Snakebites Nobz, but it just didn't seem to
>fit in with their anti-technology bit. What are Snakebite Nobz like in
>40k? Do they have something instead of power-armour and really
>customized weapons?

-----> Well, no one's nobz start with armor - you have to buy it. Any of
them can
have flak or "eavy armor (which is slightly less effective than marine
armor), and then individual nobz & characters can buy Mega-Armor, which
is the orky equivalent of Terminator armor. Only Bad Moonz Nobz can get
Mega-Armor as a group.
        Orkanization in 40K is different, as most boys units are led by
one nob (2 for goffs), and seperate nobz mobz are pretty rare
per army), so my snakebite nobz usually have nothing special for armor.
'eavy armor doesn't look right for 'em, so they get flak. My Goff Nobz
on the other hand has the 'eavy stuff.
        I wouldn't penalize 'em for Nobz - they tend to take boarboyz and
squiggoths in most people's epic armies, but if someone takes a lot of
nobz it's not neccessarily out of character...

>> unit was made for them. They also get more mega-armor, so an emphasis
>> nobz
>> may be appropriate as well...
>Seems reasonable. Bad Moons must have at least 2 Shooty Boyz Mobs and
>at least 2 Nobz Mobs?

-----> Something like that. I'd put a "no skarboyz" in there too (can't
if you did or not) They just usually aren't HTH monsters...

Need to get this out on the web somewhere...

Chris Miller
Received on Mon Sep 08 1997 - 21:51:45 UTC

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