[Epic] Those Skimmers Bases

From: Andy Meechan <a.meechan_at_...>
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 97 09:01:45 gmt

     For the new Marine Landspeeders I went with the top 1/4 - 1/3 (I used
     varying skimmer heights of up to 1cm :) of the flying stand. This was
     based on a square of plastikard which was cross-hatched with a knife
     so that there was a larger surface area for the flying sprue to 'take'
     to (or something like that). As long as the plastikard is painted one
     colour you don't see the white patch where you glued the stand as the
     colours refract through the clear plastic :)
     I have seen another idea which can be used invisibly for larger
     skimmers (enter the Eldar) - wire. Drill three or four holes into the
     base of the [enter skimmer here] and insert wire (up 3/4cm). The
     effect is invisible from above the tabletop - unless you have a strong
     lightsource at table height!
     For Jetbikes and Vypers I'll likely use the clear plastic rods you can
     find at your plastikard stockist (as 3 flying bases per unit gets
     pricey) or sheets of thicker clear plasticard.
     Incidentely I LOVE the way that GW have (re)mounted their Gargoyles -
     they're glued across a clear plastic strip which is, in turn mounted
     onto a flying stand!
Received on Tue Sep 09 1997 - 09:01:45 UTC

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